Chocolinas Rebranding
Chocolinas, Bagley
Packaging Line Redesign.
In addition to modernizing the brand and addressing issues in the product family architecture (including the Coquitas and Vainitas brands), Chocolinas needed to increase consumption frequency through new uses. Building on its use in the recipe for Argentina’s most famous cake (Chocotorta), it was essential to enhance the product’s utilization in various sweet recipes.
Chocolinas is one of the most traditional and beloved brands in Argentina. Simultaneously, the Chocotorta is a milestone in practical and homemade pastry. Given that this chocolate biscuit is so versatile, its use in simple and delicious sweet recipes is almost limitless, and we needed to emphasize this aspect.
Create a well-organized pack system within a larger family shared by Chocolinas, Coquitas, and Vainitas. Simultaneously, we needed to modernize the aesthetic, achieve a greater impact on the shelf, and use packaging as the primary vehicle to communicate the versatility of these products when cooking sweet recipes.
The most popular recipe in Argentine homemade pastry, the CHOCOTORTA, was capitalized by creating a pack system that communicates this and other recipes.
We redesigned the entire Chocolinas product line and its family members (Coquitas and Vainitas) to create a closer connection with consumers without losing their traditional essence. Additionally, we included the sweetest and easiest recipes on the packaging to broaden the product’s usage for various occasions.